Saturday night was a great night! I love working weddings that are filled with laughter and tears the whole night through. Rachel and Eric's wedding at The Grove was a perfect example of what I like most about these events. The details, colors, theme, and setting were perfect and Rachel's hard work definitely paid off. The best detail however, were the argyle sweaters worn by the two ushers, Adam and Shay. I can't say I've been to a wedding where I've been so entertained by two individuals based almost on their attire alone. It takes a special kind of personality to pull something like that off and they handled it like champs!
Nothing stood in the way of this beautiful wedding. Not the rain, cold weather, wind, etc. No matter what obstacle mother nature tried to introduce, nothing was going to hinder this party.
Congratulations Rachel and Eric!!!
(And no Adam, the photo below... STAYS! :-)